The Canon EOS 50D is Canon's most recent addition to their "prosumer" DSLR lineup. It's an upgrade of the EOS 40D, though as of right now Canon haven't discontinued the 40D so as of right now (11/08) The Canon EOS 50D is an addition to the Canon EOS lineup rather than a replacement of the EOS 40D.Read more>
Those were the words that i remember the most from the Transformers cartoon series when i was a kid. I had small miniature Transformer action figures (the big ones was expensive) and I have never failed to watch every episode of it, and i even i bought the last original transformers movie on VHS! At least, i thought it was the last one. So when i heard that Micheal Bay, director of many blockbusters such as Bad Boys, The Rock was planning to direct a movie based on the hit cartoon series, i was in awe. Transformers. Coming back to life, in real life, in cinemas.
When the movie came out, i could not get a chance to see it until a few weeks of its release. But the wait was well worth it. It blew my mind, and everyone else. The CGI was astonishing, and storyline was well crafted, though the robot characters was slightly different than i thought it would be. I even got so excited, i bought the DVD! But when the movie ended, i was partly sad and curious. The ending did not show a slight hint of a sequel, but i was really, really hoping for one. I wanted a sequel where all the Transformers i knew to be in a sequel. Soundwave, the Constructicons, everything.
And they did.
Transformers : Revenge of the Fallen. Wuhoo! A sequel! Micheal Bay, an avid Transformers fan, made the sequel even better. I got two tickets for me and the Mrs at a non THX cinema, but i could not care less, to be honest. When Bumblebee first came/transformed out in the first scene, i was transformed into a kid again. The sequel is about the revenge of the Fallen, the only remaining Decepticon leaders stuck in Decepticon planet (which the movie failed to mention the name) with a mission to destroy the Autobots on earth by resurrecting Megatron, who died in the first movie while the Autobots, working together with a special, undercover US Army unit called N.E.S.T on missions to hunt down and destroy the remaining Decepticons on earth. Sam Witwicky, the Autobots' human friend is enrolling in to college, but decided to leave his trusty robot friend, Bumblebee and cute girlfriend, Mikaela behind.(I'd probably leave Bee behind, but Mikaela??) On his first day in college, Sam found a piece of The Cube in one of his jacket (washing machine resistant i assume) and the piece started to interfere with his brainwave or something, making him see jumbled up codes he doesnt understand at the same time turning him into a boy genius (he could read an astronomy college text book in a few minutes). For some reason, the Decepticons are now searching for that piece of Cube, and found that it is with Sam, (Surprise!) though i would rather it be with Mikaela, so she could be strip searched. And the chase/hunt/destroying begins! The sequel is better in CGI, but i found the robot characters made less intelligent this time. Bumblebee is made into a pet for Sam, there are two new Autobot twins that speaks like they are thugs from Brooklyn, New York. It was (the sequel) as if they made it to please everyone, especially the Paramount Pictures top management, desperately.No wonder the movie got bad reviews from the major critics (read here and here.)Yes, the CGI was mind blowing, and seeing a Transformer in a movie beats everything else, but it shadowed everything human about the movie. Nevertheless, there are some cool stuff you can find on the official movie website like Robotize yourself,(yes, you can upload your photo and merge it with a robot from the movie)and check out awesome Transformers toys, news and reviews here.I posted mine on Facebook.Heh.
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