
Ramadhan Buffet at Equatorial Hotel

Ramadhan is coming, and so everyone is looking forward to the foodfest.

It is strange that in a month of restraint everyone is looking to enjoy the bounty at an extraordinary pace but this is Ramadhan in Malaysia

Hotel Equatorial Kuala Lumpur is known for their food so their buffet is one of the better ones in the city, it is not cheap though, this premium buka Puasa is priced at RM95 ++ per person but they do have offers like Early bird special from Aug21 to Aug31 when you can enjoy their sumptuous spread for only RM88 ++ per person.

We tried the food and were generally satisfied with the quality and preentation of the dishes.

Worthy of note were the Daging Masak Lemak Nangka (Beef stewed in coconut milk with jackfruit), Nasi Ayam (Chicken Rice), Briyani Gam (Special briyani rice) and the range of traditional Malay dishes on the spread.

Those with a sweet tooth would also enjoy the large dessert range which include everything from Jelly to local delicacies like Cendol, Ais Kacang and Kuih Seri Muka.

If you like Satay, Equatorial's meat-on-stick offering is lean and low fat, of course some people say satay cannot be satay without some beef or chicken fat skewered in between the lean meat but in these day and age when healthy living is the mantra, people want their satay and keep their cholesterol at 4.0.

The overal ambience at the Nipah Coffee Shop, with its warm lighting and cosy divisions and sections allows diners to enjoy the spread of a hotel kitchen while still retaining some sense of privacy.

But do come early because the 'extra' section is by the staircase and, you really do not want to be tabled there if at all possible.

If you are interested please call
Sales manager Sarimah Mat Saman at +603 2160 5547 or fax her at +603 2162-3848
her email is

Comments (1)

Buffet sekarang semakin mahal, saya nak cadangkan semua Hotel buat trend baru, iaitu berbuka dengan berhemah dan program ni mula dari berbuka terus ke maghrib, isyak tarawikh, includes

makan berbuka sedikit, makan malam selepas maghrib dan kemudian more selepas tarawikh

baru elok, tapi kena sediakan bilik lah untuk ibadat
saya rasa can make profit because food cost is lower cuma program ibadah tu dilebihkan dengan ustaz ustaz yang famous, so orang datang untuk santapan rohani dan jasmani

amacam idea gua bernas tak??

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